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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Prydain oddi Fry: Cymru yn Oriel Pendeitsh, Caernarfon, 7 Tachweddd-24 Ionawr

Llun o Gaernarfon yn dangos y castell, y porthladd a’r dref, c.1934. Mae cynllun strydoedd y fwrdeistref ganoloesol i’w weld yn glir. NPRN: 95318

Prydain oddi Fry: Cymru yw arddangosfa deithiol y Comisiwn Brenhinol o ffotograffau hanesyddol hynaf a mwyaf diddorol Aerofilms. Archif unigryw o filiwn o awyrluniau’n dyddio o 1919 hyd 2006 yw Casgliad Aerofilms. Cafodd y casgliad ei brynu i’r cyhoedd yn 2007 gan English Heritage, Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru a Chomisiwn Brenhinol Henebion yr Alban, gyda chymorth ariannol Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri. Ceir ffotograffau o bob rhan o Gymru yn yr arddangosfa, a gobeithir y bydd y delweddau anghyfarwydd hyn o leoedd cyfarwydd yn annog cynulleidfaoedd i feddwl am ystyr ac effaith newid, lle a chof. Rhai achlysuron arbennig a gofnodwyd yng Ngogledd Cymru yw’r seremoni a gynhaliwyd ger cofgolofn rhyfel y Senotaff yn Llandudno yn ystod ymweliad Tywysog Cymru ym mis Tachwedd 1923, Sioe Amaethyddol Frenhinol Cymru a gynhaliwyd yn Abergele ar 26 Gorffennaf 1950, a llonyddwch iasol Glofa Gresffordd fis ar ôl trychineb yr 22ain o Fedi 1934 pan laddodd ffrwydrad enfawr a’r tân a’i dilynodd 266 o lowyr. Mae delweddau eraill yn cofnodi ysblander eang hardd Eryri a garwedd creigiog moel Ynys Lawd, Caergybi, yn ogystal â’r cestyll Edwardaidd eiconig.

Glofa Gresffordd, Wrecsam, 23 Hydref 1934. Cafodd y ffotograff hwn ei dynnu fis ar ôl trychineb yr 22ain o Fedi 1934 pan laddwyd 266 o lowyr gan ffrwydrad enfawr a thân enbyd yn adran Dennis. NPRN:301580

Ynys Lawd, Caergybi, Môn, 1950. Mae’r goleudy syml ac urddasol wedi goroesi stormydd dros ddwy ganrif a mwy ers ei godi ym 1809. NPRN;41288

Hefyd, ceir yn yr arddangosfa nifer o luniau sy’n croniclo digwyddiadau hanesyddol yn yr Alban a Lloegr, gan gynnwys Gêm Gwpan yr FA yn Stadiwm Wembley ym 1935, y llifogydd yn Jaywick Sands, Essex, ym mis Chwefror 1953 - atgof dwys o storm fawr 1953 - a’r Queen Mary yn Iard Longau John Brown, Glannau Clud, prif long White Star Line cwmni Cunard sydd wedi’i hangori’n barhaol bellach yn Long Beach, California. Bydd dvd o ddelweddau mwy lleol hefyd yn cael ei ddangos ochr yn ochr â’r arddangosfa yn Oriel Pendeitsh. Yn wir, bydd yno rywbeth i bawb!

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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Holiadur i Ddefnyddwyr Coflein

Yn sgil dathlu pen-blwydd Coflein yn ddeg oed yn gynharach eleni, hoffem gael eich barn ar ba mor dda mae’n gweithio, sut rydych chi’n ei defnyddio, a sut y dylem ni ei datblygu yn ystod y blynyddoedd i ddod. Byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech lenwi’r holiadur ar-lein yn https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MM9TQLP

Mae Coflein yn darparu mynediad ar-lein i Gofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol Cymru – cronfa ddata, catalog ac archif digidol yr amgylchedd hanesyddol cenedlaethol.

Tanysgrifiwch i Newyddion Treftadaeth Cymru a chofrestrwch ar gyfer yr RSS porthiant llawn: cliciwch y botwm RSS hwn Subscribe to Heritage of Wales News Blog Posts a thanysgrifiwch!

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Friday, 24 October 2014

Archwiliwch eich Archif

Archwiliwch eich archif,
darganfyddwch rywbeth newydd
Archif y Comisiwn Brenhinol
12 Tachwedd 2014

Rhaglen y Bore
10:00 Collections of the National Monuments Record of Wales. Sgwrs gan Gareth Edwards, Pennaeth Archifau
10.30 & 11.00 Ymweliad â’r archif - cip y tu ôl i’r llenni
11:30 What Can Aerial Photographs Do For You? Sgwrs gan Medwyn Parry


Rhaglen y Prynhawn
14:00 Collections of the National Monuments Record of Wales. Sgwrs gan Gareth Edwards, Pennaeth Archifau
14:30 & 15:00 Ymweliad â’r archif - cip y tu ôl i’r llenni
15:30 What Can Aerial Photographs Do For You? Sgwrs gan Medwyn Parry


Digwyddiadau ac arddangosiadau drwy gydol y dydd:
• Deunydd o’r archif: mapiau, lluniadau, ffotograffau a mwy!
• Coflein: cyflwyniad i’n cronfa ddata ar-lein
• Cyflwyniad i wefan newydd Capeli Cymru

Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru
Adeilad y Goron, Plas Crug, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 1NJ.
Ffôn: 01970 621200
E-bost: chc.cymru@cbhc.gov.uk

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Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Amazing Find Relating To The 1940 Pembroke Dock Bombing Raid

At 3:15pm on Monday the 19 August 1940, a group of 3 German Luftwaffe Junkers Ju 88 bombers, accompanied by 2 Messerchmitt ME109 fighters flew over the Oil Tank Farm south of Llanreath, Pembroke Dock. The bombers were part of Kampfgruppe 51, Edelweiss Squadron, based near Paris. They dropped their payload as they flew over the large oil storage tanks. Four of the bombs fell short, exploding in open country, but the resulting detonation from one direct hit on a tank of 12,000 tons started a blaze that would take over 600 men from 22 brigades 18 days to put out.

Although only one tank was hit, the blaze soon spread, and 11 of the 18 tanks were totally destroyed. Tragically, the wall of one of the tanks split and 5 firemen from Cardiff were killed by the river of burning oil.

Later, during one of his regular propaganda broadcasts from Germany, Lord Haw Haw spoke about the raid. He said the pilot was only 16 years old, and had flown on many raids over Britain, but had failed to return from the Pembrokeshire raid.

The Royal Commissions’ Historical Aerial Photographic archive includes the WWII era RAF Medmenham Collection. By chance, I came across a sequence of low-level oblique shots of the inferno, taken on the 31 August 1940, when the fire had been burning for 12 days.

From the top right-hand corner of frame 75, the bomb craters can be seen in a line heading towards the oil tanks. Next to the smouldering remains of the destroyed storage tanks, the one in the top-left of the frame is still well ablaze. The arcs of water from the fire hoses can be seen, spraying and cooling the walls of the storage tank.

In frame 64, the smoke is partially obscuring the Defensible Barracks, Pembroke Dockyard (NPRN 34323).

By Medwyn Parry.

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Swydd Wag - Ysgrifennydd (Prif Weithredwr)

Dyddiad Cau: 13 Tachwedd 2014
Lleoliad: Aberystwyth
Disgrifiad o'r Swydd: Ysgrifennydd (Prif Weithredwr)
Cyflog: £57,550 - £68,150 (Band 1 Gweithredwyr Llywodraeth Cymru)
37 awr yr wythnos – tymor sefydlog o 4 blynedd (mae posibilrwydd y caiff ei adnewyddu)

Mae’r Comisiwn Brenhinol yn chwilio am Ysgrifennydd (Prif Weithredwr) newydd i arwain ac ysbrydoli’n staff a’n gwirfoddolwyr drwy’r bennod nesaf yn ein hanes o 106 o flynyddoedd.

Y Comisiwn Brenhinol yw’r corff archwilio a’r archif cenedlaethol ar gyfer amgylchedd hanesyddol Cymru. Ysgrifennydd y Comisiwn sy’n gyfrifol am arweinyddiaeth, strategaeth, gwarcheidwaeth a rheolaeth y Comisiwn Brenhinol a sicrhau ei fod yn cyflawni’r cyfrifoldebau a nodir yn ei Warant Frenhinol a’i gylch gwaith fel y’i pennwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Yn dilyn ymrwymiad gan y Gweinidog i’w gadw’n gorff annibynnol, mae hwn yn gyfle arbennig iawn i arwain, ysbrydoli ac ysgogi’r Comisiwn drwy gyfnod o newid o fewn y sefydliad a sector ehangach yr amgylchedd hanesyddol yng Nghymru. Bydd yr Ysgrifennydd yn adeiladu ar lwyfan cadarn o lwyddiant ac yn manteisio ar gyfleoedd i sicrhau newidiadau a fydd yn cefnogi gweledigaeth uchelgeisiol at y dyfodol i sicrhau cynaladwyedd tymor-hir y sefydliad a chyfrannu i’w agendâu sectorol.

Bydd yr Ysgrifennydd yn arweinydd profiadol sydd â record nodedig o gyflawni wrth gynrychioli sefydliad ar lefel uchel. Drwy amlygu angerdd wrth arwain y staff a’r gwirfoddolwyr, bod yn gadarn wrth gyflawni dyletswyddau’r Comisiwn i gynnal a datblygu’r Cofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol, wrth weithredu fel arweinydd wrth arolygu ac ymchwilio i’r amgylchedd hanesyddol a hyrwyddo’r ddealltwriaeth ehangaf bosibl o dreftadaeth Cymru ac o’r ymgysylltu â hi, bydd yr Ysgrifennydd yn symud y Comisiwn Brenhinol yn ei flaen yn gyflym, yn egnïol ac yn llawn dychymyg ac yn ymroi’n daer i hyrwyddo’i waith.

Mae ffurflen gais a manylion pellach i’w cael oddi wrth:-
Stephen Bailey John
Y Comisiwn Brenhinol
Plas Crug, Aberystwyth, SY23 1NJ

Ffôn: 01970 621230
Ffacs: 01970 621246
e-bost: stephen.bailey-john@cbhc.gov.uk

Y dyddiad cau i geisiadau yw 13 Tachwedd 2014.

Mae’r Comisiwn Brenhinol yn gyflogwr cyfle cyfartal.

Tanysgrifiwch i Newyddion Treftadaeth Cymru a chofrestrwch ar gyfer yr RSS porthiant llawn: cliciwch y botwm RSS hwn Subscribe to Heritage of Wales News Blog Posts a thanysgrifiwch!

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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Bwletin Archifau a Llyfrgell Cofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol Cymru – Medi 2014

Croeso i’r rhifyn diweddaraf o Fwletin Archifau a Llyfrgell Cofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol Cymru (CHCC) http://www.cbhc.gov.uk/HI/CYM/Ein+Gwasanaethau/Rhoi+Cofnodion/Derbyniadau+Diweddar/. Gellir gweld yr eitemau archifol a’r llyfrau llyfrgell ac erthyglau o gylchgronau yn ein hystafell ddarllen gyhoeddus. Gellir gweld y deunydd archifol ar Coflein hefyd yn www.coflein.gov.uk

Rydym ar agor i’r cyhoedd ar yr adegau canlynol:
Dydd Llun – Dydd Gwener 09.30 – 16.00, Dydd Mercher 10.30 – 16.30.
Fe’ch cynghorir i wneud apwyntiad.

Medi ~ September 2014

Archif ~ Archives
Christopher J. Williams Mines Photographs: Cat Ref CJW
A further 100 slides loaned by Christopher Williams have been catalogued in advance of digitisation.

Metal Links Project Collection: Cat Ref MLPC
Welsh Mines Preservation Trust: Cat. Ref WMPT
Cataloguing of this collection has been completed this month

135 b/w prints of various sites have been catalogued and added to the site files. These date from 1960’s – 1980’s and were mounted ready to be added to the site files.

Investigators' Digital Photography – Collection
Sites include:
  • Fort Belan
  • Caernafon – Slate Quay & Victoria Dock
  • Aberdovey Streets
  • Fishguard Town & Harbours
  • Felin Wen Tide Mill
Tywyn War Memorial Hospital DS2014_350_002

  • Tywyn War Memorial Hospital
  • Hen Gapel, Rhydowen
Hen Gapel, Rhydowen DS2014_288_011

  • Morfa Copperworks Laboratory
Morfa Copperworks Laboratory DS2014_332_001

  • The collapsed Aberystwyth Seafront Shelter and foundations of Marine Baths 

Foundations of Marine Baths DS2014_001_030
  •  Photo survey of excavations on Skomer

Llyfrau ~ Books

Aaron, John, 1992. Torf Ardderchog: Teithiau Cristnogol Trwy Gymru: Cyfrol 1 - Ceredigion A Phenfro, Gwasg Efengylaidd Cymru, Ganol.

Archaeology Ireland Heritage Guides set (incomplete); kept together in one box in the Library.

Cadwaladr Tawelfryn Thomas and Edward, 1904. Hanes Ymdaith Cynnulleidfaoliaeth, Argraffwyd Gan Y "Western Mail", Caerdydd. 

Coad, Jonathan, 2013. Support for the Fleet: Architecture and Engineering of the Royal Navy's Bases 1700-1914, English Heritage, Swindon.

Compton-Dando, Norman C., 1977. Presbyterian Church of Wales: The Gwent Presbytery: Year Book 1977, Pen-Y-Cae Press, Ebbw Vale.

Cowan, D.D., 1910. The Landmarks of Church History: Guild Library, A&C. Black, London.

Cowman, Des, 2006. The Making and Breaking of a Mining Community: The Copper Coast, County Waterford 1825-1875+, Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, Waterford.

Davies, E.T., 1981. Religion and Society in the Nineteenth Century: A New History of Wales, Christopher Davies Ltd, Dyfed.

Edwards, Huw, 2009. Capeli Llanelli: Our Rich Heritage, Carmarthenshire County Council, Carmarthenshire.

Evans, E. Lewis, 1969. Eglwys Hope Pontarddulais, Abertawe, Gwasg John Penry.

Evans, T., 1997. Tri Chanmlwyddiant Eglwys Annibynnol Henllan: 1697 – 1997, Argraffwyd Gan E.L. Jones A'i Fab, Aberteifi.

Francis, Sam, 1994. Hanes Capel yr Onllwyn, Argraffwyd gan Wasg Morgannwg, Castell-Nedd.

Grant, Michael, 2005. The Rise of the Greeks, Phoenix Press, London.

Gregory, Donald, 1991. Country Churchyards in Wales, Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Gwynedd.

Gregory, Donald, 1994. Radnorshire: A Historical Guide, Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Gwynedd.

Gregory, Donald, 1989. Yesterday in Village Church and Churchyard, Gomer Press, Llandysul.

Jenkins, Gwyn, 2014. Cymry'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, Y Lolfa, Talybont.

Jones, Peter, 1969. Recording Wales 2: Chapels: An Exhibition Of Pictures, Commissioned by the Welsh Arts Council, Welsh Arts Council.

O'Kelly, Michael J., 1954. Excavations and Experiments in Ancient Irish Cooking-Places, off-print from The Journal Of Royal Society Of Antiquaries Of Ireland, Vol:LXXXIV, Part II.

Raistrick, Arthur, 1950. Quakers in Science and Industry: Being an Account of the Quaker Contributions to Science and Industry during the 17th and 18th Centuries, Bannisdale Press, London.

Rees, B., 1899. Hanes Blaenywuan, Argraffwyd Gan W. Williams, Llandudoch.

Spencer, Ray, 1991. A Guide to the Saints of Wales and the West Country, Llanerch Enterprises, Somerset.

The Times, 2014, Britain from Above: A View of Britain from the Past to Present, The Times/HarperCollins, Glasgow.

Thomas, Gwyn, 2012. Gair yn ei Le: 50 O Lefydd Llenyddol, Y Lolfa, Talybont.

Whittingham, Sarah, 2011. Sir George Oatley: Architect of Bristol, Redcliffe Press, Bristol.

Williams, Glanmor, 1950. Samuel Roberts Llanbrynmair, University Of Wales Press, Cardiff.

Wills, Anthony and Phillips, Tim, 2014. British Seaside Piers, English Heritage, Swindon.

Cyfnodolion ~ Journals

Antiquity vol. 88 no. 341 (September 2014)

Archive (Journal of British Industrial and Transport History) no. 83 (September 2014)

Below! Quarterly Journal of the Shropshire Caving & Mining Club no. 2014:3

Cartographic Journal vol. 51 no. 3 (August 2014)

Cartographiti no. 92 (Summer 2014)

Casemate no. 101 (September 2014)

Current Archaeology no. 295 (October 2014)

The Georgian (1/2014)

The Georgian Group Journal vol. 22 (2014)

The Gower Society Newsletter (Autumn 2014)

Historic Monuments Council (Northern Ireland) Report no. 2 (2009-2012)

Maplines vol. 21 issue 2 (Summer 2014)

Monmouthshire Antiquary vol. 30 (2014)

Pembrokeshire Life (September 2014)

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. 142 (2012)

Railway and Canal Historical Society Bulletin no. 451 (Sept-Oct 2014)

Welsh Railways Research Circle no. 140 (Autumn 2014)

Cyfnodolion electronig ~ Electronic journals

Association of Architecture Organizations Newsletter (September 2014)

Castle Studies Group Bulletin no. 18 (September 2014)

Mine d'Histoires no. 8 (September 2014)

NAMHO Newsletter no. 69 (September 2014)

Roman Rural Settlement Project Newsletter no. 4 (Autumn 2014)

Cylchgronau Gwasanaeth Ymwybyddiaeth Gyfredol ~
Journals Current Awareness

Current Archaeology no. 295, p. 6: ‘Neolithic conflict at Caerau’ [CAER project, Oliver Davis is project co-director]

The Georgian, p. 51, Campaigning section: ‘A future for Welsh villas’ mentions Plas Brereton and Plas Ty Coch near Caernarfon, and Tan-yr-allt in Bangor

Castle Studies Group Bulletin no. 18: ‘Pembroke Castle: Discoveries in the Outer Ward’ by Neil Ludlow and Toby Driver

Os oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau neu ymholiadau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni:

Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell ac Ymholiadau CHCC
Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru
Adeilad y Goron, Plas Crug
Ceredigion, SY23 1NJ

Ffôn:  +44 (0)1970 621200
Ffacs: +44 (0)1970 627701
E-bost: chc.cymru@cbhc.gov.uk
Gwefan: www.cbhc.gov.uk
Blog: www.newyddiontreftadaethcymru.blogspot.co.uk

Tanysgrifiwch i Newyddion Treftadaeth Cymru a chofrestrwch ar gyfer yr RSS porthiant llawn: cliciwch y botwm RSS hwn Subscribe to Heritage of Wales News Blog Posts a thanysgrifiwch!

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Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Cyfle i siapio Coflein: cronfa ddata ar-lein y Comisiwn Brenhinol. Hoffem glywed eich barn!

Darlith a gweithdai yn y Comisiwn Brenhinol, 14 Hydref

Mae’r Comisiwn Brenhinol yn gwahodd ymwelwyr i fwynhau prynhawn o ddarlithoedd  ac i gymryd rhan mewn trafodaeth i werthuso Coflein, cronfa ddata ar-lein y Comisiwn, Dydd Mawrth, 14 Hydref, 2014.

Mae Coflein yn darparu mynediad ar-lein i Gofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol Cymru – cronfa ddata, catalog ac archif digidol yr amgylchedd hanesyddol cenedlaethol.

I ddechrau’r prynhawn, fe fydd David Thomas, Pennaeth Data a Thechnoleg, yn eich croesawu ac yn rhoi cyflwyniad i Coflein. Bydd gweithdai’n cael eu cynnal wedyn i roi cyfle i bawb drafod cronfa ddata’r Comisiwn Brenhinol o safleoedd a chasgliadau, gofyn cwestiynau, trafod problemau sydd wedi codi, ac awgrymu datblygiadau at y dyfodol. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn archaeoleg a’r amgylchedd hanesyddol, hanes lleol, awyrluniau, hanes tai ac adeiladau crefyddol, hanes morwrol a llongddrylliadau, fe fydd ffynonellau sy’n berthnasol i chi ar Coflein.

Bydd dau weithdy’n cael eu cynnal. Bydd y cyntaf rhwng 2pm a 3.30pm a’r ail rhwng 4pm a 5.30pm. Bydd lluniaeth ysgafn yn cael ei ddarparu. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ac i drefnu’ch lle, cysylltwch â Nicola Roberts: mailto:nicola.roberts@cbhc.gov.uk Ffôn: 01970 621248.

Croeso i bawb, pa faint bynnag o brofiad sydd gennych. Dewch i ddarganfod rhagor a rhannu eich barn!

Tanysgrifiwch i Newyddion Treftadaeth Cymru a chofrestrwch ar gyfer yr RSS porthiant llawn: cliciwch y botwm RSS hwn Subscribe to Heritage of Wales News Blog Posts a thanysgrifiwch!

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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

First Scientific Dates Tell Story Of Skomer’s Prehistoric Island Landscape

Archaeologists have obtained the first accurate dates for prehistoric settlement on Skomer Island, Pembrokeshire, a landscape famed for its wildlife and for the survival of its ancient field systems, which are among the best preserved anywhere in Britain.
Excavations in 2014 at a prehistoric mound of burnt and fire-cracked stones on north Skomer, once used to boil water for cooking, have produced the first calibrated radiocarbon dates for farming settlement on this renowned island. The mound sealed a land surface dated by charcoal to between 520-458 cal BC, the early Iron Age. A cattle tooth deposited in the cooking mound while it was still in use was dated to between 116-54 cal BC, centred on 85 cal BC, the late Iron Age.

In April 2014 a small team of archaeologists was permitted to open the very first modern excavation trench in the island’s history, to retrieve dating and environmental samples to better understand the long and complex history of prehistoric settlement and farming on Skomer. This followed three years of collaborative, non-invasive research between staff of the Royal Commission, The University of Sheffield and Cardiff University, working closely with the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and Cadw.

Burnt mounds accumulated from a particular prehistoric cooking practice, which involved heating stones in a fire and then placing them into a water-filled wooden trough to boil the water. Once the water was boiling it could take around 3 hours to cook a joint of meat, with each successive cooking episode adding more waste burnt stones to the mound. The burnt mounds outside some of the roundhouse groups on Skomer Island are huge, and must have dominated the Iron Age landscape, alongside the conical thatched roofs of the houses.

Dr Toby Driver of the Royal Commission, Aberystwyth, explained:
‘Skomer is a fragile protected landscape, and our archaeological research to date has focussed on non-invasive investigation of the prehistoric fields and settlements. This has included new aerial photography, airborne laser scanning, ground geophysics and walkover surveys. Already we have discovered previously unknown Neolithic and Bronze Age ritual stone settings, and demonstrated that the field systems may date back to at least the later Bronze Age.’

 ‘But despite half a century of modern archaeological interest, we still had no scientific dates for the roundhouses and fields on Skomer. It was decided to target a prehistoric burnt mound or cooking mound of fire-cracked stones, which stands immediately outside one of the paired roundhouses. This mound built up from numerous cooking episodes in the adjacent house. Our excavation discovered a cattle tooth from within the mound of stones, which has now been radiocarbon dated to the late Iron Age. Beneath the mound we found a sealed land surface containing Neolithic or Bronze Age worked flint tools. A second radiocarbon date from blackthorn charcoal in the upper soil layers gave a an early Iron Age date, possibly from burning and clearance on the land, which showed our burnt mound and the houses it belongs to arrived after the early Iron Age. Both dates are accurate to within 62 years.’

‘These new dates confirm pre-Roman settlement on Skomer. Even so, the burnt mound covers a substantial earlier field wall showing that the island was already well settled and farmed in previous centuries.’

Find out more online

Photographs, maps and plans can be seen online at the Royal Commission’s online database www.coflein.gov.uk . Search for ‘Skomer’ to see all records, or ‘Skomer hut group 8’ to see a selection of the 2014 excavation photographs.

Direct link: http://www.coflein.gov.uk/en/site/420196/details/SKOMER+ISLAND+HUT+GROUP+8/

Links to related BBC news stories: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-17644413

More about the Skomer Island archaeological project

Skomer is a highly protected landscape famous for its puffins and other breeding seabirds, but it is also home to some of the best preserved prehistoric field systems and hut settlements anywhere in Britain. In 2011 the Royal Commission used airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) to comprehensively map the island’s field systems. This work discovered evidence for a longer chronology to the fields than had previously been thought. The Skomer Island Project built on this work in 2012 with the first use of geophysics on the island, which showed that unrecorded prehistoric fields and settlements survive beneath the modern fields in the centre of the island.

The Skomer Island Project team, Louise Barker and Dr Toby Driver (Royal Commission), Dr Bob Johnston (University of Sheffield) and Dr Oliver Davis (Cardiff University) would like to thank the Skomer Island Wardens, the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and Natural Resources Wales for accommodating the archaeological work and granting permission to work in a Site of Special Scientific Interest. They are also grateful to Cadw for Scheduled Monument Consent which allowed the work to proceed.

Appendix: the radiocarbon dates

SUERC-54181 (GU34955)

Context: 107, charcoal derived from buried soil layer beneath burnt mound
Material: Prunus cf. Spinosa (probable blackthorn)
Radiocarbon age: 2439 ± 30 BP (before 1950 AD)
Calibrated date (95.4& probability): 519-459 cal. BC
SUERC-55129 (GU34956)
Context: 108, Find 24. Cattle tooth deposited in upper layers of burnt mound
Material: Cattle tooth: Cattle
Radiocarbon age: 2035 ± 31 BP (before 1950 AD)
Calibrated date (95.4& probability): 116-54 cal. BC

Recording the excavation trench through a cooking mound of burnt stones on Skomer Island. The exposed stone wall of the Iron Age roundhouse can be seen at the end of the trench.
Crown Copyright RCAHMW, DS2014_354_018

The Skomer Island Project team (L-R), Dr Oliver Davis (Cardiff University), Louise Barker (RCAHMW), Dr Bob Johnston (University of Sheffield), Dr Toby Driver (RCAHMW).
Crown Copyright RCAHMW, DS2014_354_006

Skomer Island. A 3D view of the prehistoric field systems (in red) overlying a terrain model generated from airborne laser scanning or LiDAR.
Crown Copyright. Environment Agency. All Rights Reserved. View generated by RCAHMW, Crown Copyright RCAHMW. LD2012_02_01

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