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Friday, 28 March 2014

Swydd Wag: CYNORTHWYYDD GWEITHREDOL (Tîm Strategaeth ac Adnoddau)

Manylion llawn: CYNORTHWYYDD GWEITHREDOL (Tîm Strategaeth ac Adnoddau)
Amrediad Cyflog £22400 - £25720, 37 awr yr wythnos – penodiad parhaol

Y Comisiwn Brenhinol, sydd wedi’i leoli yn Aberystwyth, yw corff ymchwilio ac archif cenedlaethol amgylchedd hanesyddol Cymru. Ef sydd â’r rôl arweiniol o ran sicrhau y caiff treftadaeth archaeolegol, adeiledig ac arforol Cymru ei chofnodi’n awdurdodol, a bydd yn ceisio hyrwyddo deall a gwerthfawrogi’r dreftadaeth honno’n genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol.

Rydym ni’n chwilio am rywun i gynorthwyo Ysgrifennydd y Comisiwn (Y Prif Weithredwr) drwy ymgymryd â thasgau strategol a threfniadaethol. Y pwysicaf o’r rhain fydd datblygu a chydlynu Cynllun Gweithredol a Strategol y Comisiwn yn unol â chanllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru. Bydd dyletswyddau eraill yn cynnwys cydlynu adroddiadau, papurau a dogfennau ar gyfer cyfarfodydd allweddol, sicrhau yr ymdrinnir yn gyflym ac effeithiol ag ymholiadau ffôn a gohebiaeth, a rhoi ynghyd a chydlynu gweithdrefnau monitro perfformiad chwarterol y Comisiwn.

Bydd gan yr ymgeiswyr hyder, hunangymhelliant a sgiliau cyfathrebu a TG da, yn ogystal â phrofiad sylweddol a/neu gymwysterau proffesiynol neu academaidd priodol mewn disgyblaeth berthnasol. Rhaid bod ganddynt brofiad sylweddol hefyd o weithio ar lefelau strategol a gweithredol, a’r gallu i ddatblygu a chynnal perthnasoedd gwaith cadarnhaol a phroffesiynol â staff a chysylltiadau allanol. Byddai’r gallu i gyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn fantais.

Dychwelwch eich ffurflen gais wedi'i chwblhau i'r cyfeiriad isod:-

Mr S Bailey-John
Y Comisiwn Brenhinol
Plas Crug     
SY23 1NJ

Ffôn: 01970 621230
Ffacs: 01970 621246
e-bost: stephen.bailey-john@cbhc.gov.uk
Dyddiau cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: 26 Ebrill 2014

Mae’r Comisiwn Brenhinol yn gyflogwr cyfle cyfartal.

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Thursday, 27 March 2014

Gwerthiant Llyfrau Hanes a Threftadaeth yn y Comisiwn Brenhinol

Ar Ddydd Mercher, 9 Ebrill, fe fydd cyfle prin i brynu amrywiaeth eang o lyfrau, cylchgronau, mapiau ac arweinlyfrau’n ymwneud ag archaeoleg, pensaernïaeth a’r dreftadaeth adeiledig. Fe fydd mwy na 1000 o deitlau yn y gwerthiant hwn o stoc dros ben ac ail gopïau o lyfrgell y Comisiwn Brenhinol yn Aberystwyth. Mae’r teitlau’n cynnwys set gyflawn o Archaeologia Cambrensis a chylchgronau archaeoleg safonol eraill, nifer helaeth o wahanlithiau, llyfrau ar gynhanes, y Rhufeinwyr ac archaeoleg ddiwydiannol, Hanesion Sirol Gwent a Morgannwg, cyfrolau hanesyddol ac archaeolegol eraill, a llawer mwy. Hefyd fe fydd detholiad o fapiau ordnans 6 modfedd o wahanol argraffiadau a chasgliad bach o fapiau 1:10,000 a Landranger. Bydd detholiad o gyhoeddiadau presennol y Comisiwn Brenhinol ar werth hefyd, ar ddisgownt o hyd at 30%. Meddai Penny Icke, y Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth: “Dyma gyfle gwych i brynu deunydd hanesyddol ac archaeolegol sy’n anodd ei gael ac allan o brint yn aml. Rydyn ni’n gobeithio gweld cymaint o bobl â phosib yn y gwerthiant”. Mae’r drysau ar agor rhwng 10am a 4pm. Croeso i bawb!

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch Penny Icke, penny.icke@rcahmw.gov.uk neu ffoniwch 01970 621200

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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Cael y gorau o Brydain oddi Fry - Llyfrgell Aberteifi

Peilota’r Rhyngrwyd

‘Cael y gorau o Brydain oddi Fry’

Digwyddiad Am Ddim, Croeso i Bawb!

Dydd Llun 31 Mawrth 2014, 10am-4pm

Llyfrgell Aberteifi, sgyrsiau: 11am, 1pm a 3pm

Dewch i ddarganfod yr adnodd ar-lein gwych hwn sy’n dangos casgliad o awyrluniau, sydd heb eu gweld o’r blaen, o Gymru, yr Alban a Lloegr o oes yr arloeswyr hedfan. Mae’r casgliad yn cwmpasu’r blynyddoedd o 1919 i 1953, cyfnod pan oedd tirwedd gwledydd Prydain yn cael ei gweddnewid ar raddfa fawr.

Fe fydd tair sgwrs ar hanes y casgliad a’r prosiect ei hun yn ystod y dydd am 11am, 1pm a 3pm, ond bydd croeso i bawb alw i mewn ar unrhyw adeg a darganfod mwy drwy siarad â’r Swyddog Gweithgareddau Prydain Oddi Fry a rhoi cynnig ar y wefan ei hun, fel rhan o wythnos Gwanwyn Ar-lein Digital Unite.

Ystafell TG Llyfrgell Aberteifi, Canolfan Teifi, Pendre,
Aberteifi, SA43 1JL. Ffôn: 01686 626934

I gael gwybod mwy, ewch i: www.britainfromabove.org.uk/cy

Natasha Scullion,
Swyddog Gweithgareddau Prydain Oddi Fry, Cymru.

e-bost: natasha.scullion@cbhc.gov.uk
Ffôn: 01970 621200

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Monday, 17 March 2014

Diwrnod Gyrfaoedd Treftadaeth yn y Comisiwn Brenhinol

Ar Ddydd Iau, 12 Mawrth, daeth myfyrwyr archaeoleg, hanes, daearyddiaeth a threftadaeth yn gyffredinol o bob rhan o Gymru i Ddiwrnod Gyrfaoedd Treftadaeth y Comisiwn Brenhinol a gynhaliwyd ar y cyd â’r prosiect Prydain Oddi Fry. Cafodd y myfyrwyr gyfle i wrando ar sgyrsiau gan archifydd y Comisiwn Brenhinol, Gareth Edwards, ac ymchwilydd o’r awyr y Comisiwn, Dr Toby Driver – dwy alwedigaeth wahanol iawn yn y sector treftadaeth! Cafwyd cyflwyniadau ar amrywiaeth eang o yrfaoedd arbenigol ym maes treftadaeth: prosiect cymunedol Prydain Oddi Fry, arolygu technegol, archaeoleg forol, lleoliadau archaeoleg gymunedol Cyngor Archaeoleg Prydain, Casgliad y Werin Cymru, mapio GIS a chyhoeddiadau treftadaeth. Roedd yr ymwelwyr hefyd yn gallu gweld adnoddau’r Cofnod Henebion Cenedlaethol a siarad â’n staff Gwasanaethau Darllenwyr. Fel y gwelwch o’r ffotograffau a’r sylwadau adborth, ysgogodd y diwrnod lawer o frwdfrydedd a diddordeb!

“Wedi dysgu llawer iawn heddiw a chael dysgu mwy am ddatblygiad lle dwi yn byw.” (Learned a lot today and have learned more about the development of where I live.)

“Diwrnod diddorol, wedi gwneud i mi feddwl am y swyddi i mi gael yn y dyfodol.”
(Interesting day, made me think about the jobs available for me in the future.)

“Very informative – thank you. Careers advice useful. Hopefully I will progress in this Heritage Sector.”

“I haven’t used the Royal Commission to its full advantage. I will recommend their facilities to other Aberystwyth students.”

“Britain from Above website helped me with an assignment. Very good day, informative and useful.”

“Very informative, particularly on the specifics of Lidar. Thank you.”
“Very informative & engaging. Thank you for such a great opportunity. Talks v. good.”
Dod â’r gorffennol yn fyw â sbectol 3D.
Egluro hyd a lled y prosiect Prydain Oddi Fry.
Brwdfrydedd dros archaeoleg forol.
Egluro arolygu digidol i gynulleidfa frwd.
Trafod cyhoeddiadau treftadaeth llwyddiannus y Comisiwn Brenhinol.
Myfyrwyr wedi ymgolli mewn awyrluniau hanesyddol.
Sylwadau gwerthfawrogol ar y mur graffiti ar ddiwedd y dydd!

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Friday, 14 March 2014

Working with Trimsaran village to create a 3D model map

During the recent half-term school holiday, Britain from Above was working in the village of Trimsaran between Kidwelly and Llanelli to create a 3D model map of the village to showcase at the National Eisteddfod being held in Llanelli this summer.

Residents of Trimsaran came to take part by either: bringing along photographs, maps and memorabilia to share with the project; telling stories about their experiences of the village over the years; or by showing off their craft skills designing, decorating and creating the village, homes, trees, roads and other landmarks to the add to map ready to exhibit at the Eisteddfod.

Hard at work creating their village!

We made a few special visits during the week, first to the Trimsaran Family Centre to make houses and trees, with the preschool children and their parents, to decorate the map. The children enjoyed creating their own houses and finding them in the modern pictures of the village, whilst the parents explored the Britain from Above website (between making roofs and colouring in bricks!

Finding their houses and then creating them on paper!

The Children of the Family Centre with their additions to the map!
We also visited the Lys-y-Godian complex to speak to some of the residents about their memories of the village. They shared some of their stories and photographs with us, in particular about the bridge out of the village towards Kidwelly, which at one point was the only road out the village in that direction.  It is now too narrow for the modern width of buses, but when buses were first introduced they could just fit between the walls of the bridge although, when a bus was coming across the only option was to stand in the bridges indents to let it pass. They warned us too that you should never cross it under the light of the full moon, as you may see the ghosts of Spudders Bridge throw themselves into the dark waters below!

Residents of Lys-y-Godian looking at the 1st-4th edition maps of the village along with Aerofilms images of the nearby areas.

The week was a great start to the project, with plenty of information and buildings being added to the map, with room for more to be included before the start of the Eisteddfod.

The village as it stands so far, plenty of room for more additions!

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Monday, 10 March 2014

Whitesands Bay Wreck revealed as the BOLINA of Bideford!

The remains of the Whitesands Bay Wreck in 2014

Peter Davies, St David’s Historical Society, provides identity for the Whitesands Bay Wreck – the BOLINA of Bideford
 Following our blog about the Whitesands Bay Wreck on 25 February 2014, Mr Davies  has kindly sent information collated for an exhibition in 2003 by the St Davids and Dewisland Historical Society, which confirms the identity as the Bideford Brig BOLINA.
The BOLINA was carrying a cargo of iron bar, tin plates and pig iron from Newport to Liverpool and was driven into the bay by a northwesterly gale on 22 February 1833. Cargo to the value of £439 was salvaged from her by Messrs Starbuck of Milford. The shipping intelligence column of the Cambrian News, 16 February 1833, confirms that the BOLINA (under the command of her master Heay) had set sail from Newport with a cargo of iron and tin plate.

The loss is recorded in the diaries and notebooks of David Evans (1833-1920), which were printed in a private publication Who’s Who from Tobias Codd, available from Haverfordwest Library. David Evans was an eyewitness to the wreck of the ‘ALADDIN’ or ‘MLADEN’ some 17 years later. The crew of this Austrian brig were initially taken to his farm at Tŷ Gwyn before being given shelter at the Commercial Inn. The MLADEN’s cargo of wheat was recovered by local people and taken to be washed and kiln dried. Much was later used for animal feed.

 A very special thank you to Mr Davies for getting in touch.

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Tuesday, 4 March 2014

People’s Collection Wales refresh supports Llangollen’s Chain Bridge Project

On Friday 20 February, the Royal Commission was in Llangollen taking part in the Linking Memories training session held as part of the exciting new Chain Bridge Project.  The project aims to restore and allow access to Llangollen's impressive early nineteenth-century chain-link bridge, which may be the earliest bridge of its type in the western world.

Llantysilio Chain Bridge as it is today (courtesy of the Chain Bridge Project).
This year the project will be working to collect local people’s memories and memorabilia of the cast-iron bridge, especially photographs, documents and oral histories. These will be made available on the newly improved People’s Collection Wales website, which is funded by Welsh Government and delivered by the Royal Commission, National Museum Wales and the National Library of Wales.
The Chain Bridge Project’s Heritage Officer (and Royal Commission staff member), Samantha Jones, outlined the history of the bridge, which finally closed in the 1980s. The bridge was purchased by Llantysilio Community Council and Llangollen town council in 2011, and funding has since been obtained for its restoration and for the collection of people’s memories relating to it. The Royal Commission’s People’s Collection Wales Officer, Helen Rowe, introduced the People’s Collection Wales website, which has just undergone a refresh, making it more user-friendly than ever before. She explained how the website is perfect for the storage and dissemination of the memories gathered by the Chain Bridge Project. Helen outlined the history of the site, which was created as a platform for the people of Wales to share and access material relating to the history and heritage of Wales. She gave examples of some of the many and varied items already added by heritage institutions, museums, libraries and archives, as well as by groups and individuals. Helen explained how material on the site is shared under the terms of the non-commercial Creative Archive Licence and how important it is to follow the copyright guidelines when uploading material. She then explained how easy it is to upload digital material in a variety of formats, including audio and video.

The Royal Commission’s People’s Collection Officer, Helen Rowe, demonstrating the newly improved People’s Collection Wales website.
David Crane from Llangollen Museum gave an informative talk on best practice for digital archiving and Lorna Jenner rounded off the day with an excellent workshop on oral history interviewing techniques.
The training session was both informative and inspiring, and we look forward to viewing the full and fascinating story of the Llantysilio Chain Bridge on the People’s Collection Wales website in the near future! To learn more about the history of the bridge, check out the story of Exuperius Pickering and the Llantysilio Chain Bridge on the People’s Collection Wales website at http://www.peoplescollectionwales.co.uk/content/exuperius-pickering-and-llantysilio-chain-bridge.

By Nikki Vousden

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