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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Cymorth Torfol i Ddarganfod Hoff Adeilad Cymru

Mae Daniel Drave, myfyriwr israddedig sy’n dilyn cwrs Cyfrifiadureg ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, yn egluro ei waith gyda thîm Data a Thechnoleg y Comisiwn Brenhinol:
Fel y sawl sydd wedi datblygu’r rhaglen ffôn symudol a gwasanaeth gwefan My Favourite Building, rydw i wedi gallu ehangu fy ngwybodaeth o’r byd gwaith proffesiynol, gwella fy sgiliau rhaglennu cyfrifiadurol a chyfrannu i un o raglenni’r Comisiwn Brenhinol yn Aberystwyth. Yn swyddogol, rydw i’n gweithio ar leoliad gwaith gydag un o adrannau polisi Llywodraeth Cymru, sef CyMAL: Amgueddfeydd, Archifdai a Llyfrgelloedd, ac estyniad o hyn yw fy lleoliad gyda’r Comisiwn Brenhinol.

Dan yn gweithio ar y prosiect.
Cafodd y syniad o greu ‘app’ ffôn symudol cymorth torfol (crowd-sourcing) ym maes treftadaeth ddigidol, i gefnogi cyfraniadau defnyddwyr i wefan Casgliad y Werin Cymru, ei awgrymu i CyMAL gan Tom Pert, Rheolwr Datblygu Ar-Lein y Comisiwn Brenhinol. Gan fy mod i wedi meithrin sgiliau addas drwy astudio Cyfrifiadureg ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, cynigiais arwain y gwaith o ddatblygu’r app.

Hafan My Favourite Building.
Bydd yr app cymorth torfol yn caniatáu i ddefnyddwyr dynnu ffotograffau o’u hoff adeilad hanesyddol drwy ddefnyddio’r camerâu ar eu ffôn clyfar. Yna byddant yn gallu ychwanegu testun i esbonio pam mai hwn yw eu hoff adeilad a llwytho’r cofnod i fyny i wasanaeth gwe. Mae’r gwasanaeth gwe yn darparu rhyngwyneb defnyddiwr deniadol ar gyfer gweld eich cyfraniadau eich hun a chyfraniadau pobl eraill, ac mae’n cynnig mynediad i wasanaethau eraill, gan gynnwys rheoli proffiliau a chwiliadau cyflym. Bydd gweinyddwyr safleoedd neu arweinwyr prosiectau cymunedol lleol hefyd yn gallu creu prosiectau newydd, gan ganiatáu i ddefnyddwyr uwchlwytho cynnwys newydd ar gyfer amrywiaeth eang o bynciau. Enghreifftiau posibl o brosiectau o’r fath fyddai ‘Fy Nhafarn Leol’ neu ‘Fy Hoff Safle Treftadaeth’. Mae’r app yn hyblyg iawn a’r gobaith yw y caiff ei defnyddio mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd, o ddefnydd hamdden i weithdai addysgol.

Sgrin mewnbynnu data (chwith) a sgrin cofnod cyflawn (de) ar yr app My Favourite Building.

Mae’r gwaith datblygu bron wedi’i gwblhau a bydd prototeip o’r app a’r wefan ar gael i’w profi gan ddefnyddwyr erbyn canol Chwefror. Bydd yr app ar gael ar gyfer y system weithredu Android, ac mae’r wefan wedi cael ei hoptimeiddio ar gyfer Mozilla Firefox.

Os  hoffech chi wybod mwy am y prosiect My Favourite Building, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â: tom.pert@cbhc.gov.uk

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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Creu Ymdeimlad Newydd o Le - Gorffennol Digidol 2013

Gall lledaenu canlyniadau ymchwil hanesyddol, a denu diddordeb y cyhoedd, elwa o reolaeth twristiaeth a chymorth sefydliadau diwylliannol sy’n gallu cynnig technolegau digidol newydd sy’n hybu ffyrdd difyr o wella profiad yr ymwelydd. Gall yr adnoddau hyn fod ar-lein neu ar y safle, ond mae’r ddau yr un mor bwysig a pherthnasol yn yr economi digidol byd-eang.

Bydd yr Athro Ray Howells o Ganolfan De Cymru ar gyfer Ymchwil Hanesyddol a Rhyngddisgyblaethol a Matt Chilcott, cyfarwyddwr datblygu ar gyfer twristiaeth ddigidol, dehongli a chynhwysiant y Grŵp Budd Cymunedol CMC2 ac ysgolhaig PhD yng Nghanolfan George Ewart Evans ar gyfer Adrodd Straeon, yn trafod eu profiadau o waith CDCYHRh ar greu amgylcheddau digidol ymgollol (immersive) a phrosiectau eraill.

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Friday, 25 January 2013

Outside Education Group visits the Royal Commission

Richard Suggett shows the children a salmon spear, much to their surprise.
On Wednesday 23 January, sixteen home-schooled children accompanied by their parents had the opportunity to visit the offices of the Royal Commission in Aberystwyth for an afternoon packed with archaeological and historical fun-based activities. During the afternoon, everyone had the opportunity to study and peruse old maps, reconstruction drawings and aerial photographs, and handle original artifacts found in old houses ― the salmon spear was much admired! They also learnt how to plot the dimensions of a room using the total station laser scanner, to search for information through Coflein, our on-line database, and saw the wealth of historical photographs that are offered from the Britain From Above website. As you can see from the photos, great fun was had by all.

Anna Evans, the People’s Collection Wales learning officer, with a group of children looking at old maps in the Library and Search Room of the Royal Commission.
There was much interest in the aerial photographs.

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Monday, 21 January 2013

Ymdeimlad o Wreiddiau Rhaglan - Gorffennol Digidol 2013

Bydd Dr Cheryl Morgan o Archifau Lleol Rhaglan yn rhoi sgwrs yng Nghynhadledd Gorffennol Digidol 2013 am brosiectau digidol diweddaraf Grŵp Hanes Lleol Rhaglan a’r Cylch. Mae’r prosiectau hyn yn cynnwys:
  • Prosiect Adrodd Straeon Digidol - archif ddigidol o gofnodion lleol a chyfryngau digidol yn http://www.raglan-history.org.uk/: gweithio gyda grwpiau ieuenctid i ddigido a chatalogio 800 a rhagor o hen ffotograffau, mapiau, ewyllysiau a dogfennau eraill, a chreu straeon digidol.

  • Prosiect Ffyrdd Lleol Rhaglan - yn cysylltu Plant Ysgol Gynradd Rhaglan â phobl a fu’n byw yn yr ardal ers amser maith. Cafodd CD ei gynhyrchu, yn cynnwys hen ffotograffau a chyfraniadau fideo gan drigolion oedrannus, i ddangos y newidiadau ym Mhentref Rhaglan yn ystod y ganrif ddiwethaf. Ers dwy flynedd bellach, mae Ditectifs Hanes Rhaglan, clwb ar ôl ysgol, wedi bod yn dysgu hanes drwy astudio a chofnodi’r beddau ym Mynwent Eglwys Sant Cadog. 

  • Gwefan Wiki Domesday Pentref Rhaglan, ystorfa ar gyfer cofnodion hanesyddol ac atgofion lleol. Ers ei sefydlu, mae 30,000 o bobl o bedwar ban byd wedi ymweld â’r wefan.

  • Y prosiect Tirnodau Treftadaeth presennol sy’n seiliedig ar godau QR
I gael manylion pellach, darllenwch y crynodeb llawn.

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Friday, 18 January 2013

Wales Under Snow – Winter Archaeology From The Air

The first snows of 2013 provided breathtaking conditions for Royal Commission aerial reconnaissance on 15th January. Despite leaving Haverfordwest airport under rain showers, the hills of eastern Wales were covered by a blanket of snow providing immaculate conditions for earthwork recording combined with the low winter sun.

Painscastle motte and bailey.

Aerial reconnaissance over the Radnorshire commons east of Builth Wells and Llandrindod Wells, together with recording to the south along the Usk Valley between Llangorse and Brecon, targeted underflown scheduled ancient monuments for Cadw as well as looking for previously unrecorded archaeological sites.

Snow ‘evens out’ the colours of the landscape allowing complex earthwork monuments to be seen more clearly and precisely. At the same time drifting or melting snow, as well as melting frost on improved pasture, all help to show up slight differences in topography which can highlight an archaeological site.

The snow proved ideal for making stunning new records of well-known monuments like Painscastle medieval motte and bailey and the complex hillfort and medieval castle at Cefnllys together with previously unrecorded earthworks to the north.

The scheduled ancient monument of Cwm-twrch medieval settlement (small rectangle, far right), matched by newly-recorded ploughed-down earthworks of a larger platform settlement on the opposite side of the valley (feint lines, left)

As well as discovering new monuments like the unrecorded house platform and earthworks on the opposite side of a minor valley from the scheduled Cwm-Twrch deserted rural settlement in Radnorshire. Another interesting discovery were near-invisible earthworks of a probable moated site near Llangasty-Talyllyn, south of Llangorse Lake, showing as lines in melting frost. These special weather conditions rarely last for long, making timely aerial reconnaissance imperative.

For more winter aerial views of Wales under snow, see the 2012 book by the Royal Commission

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Glamorgan Early Castles

Glamorgan Early Castles
In its first century, the Royal Commission has produced more than 55 major publications. These have already made an enormous contribution to the understanding of the archaeological, built and maritime heritage of Wales, and many more books are in the pipeline. All of the publications are available in public and institutional libraries throughout Wales as well as in the Commission’s library and archive search room in Aberystwyth. Books still available for sale are listed in the Bookshop.

This title is now out of print, but is available as an eBook.
Buy eBook Now Glamorgan: Early Castles at Google Play. 

Glamorgan Early Castles
Fifty-seven castles founded in Glamorgan by 1217 are here described. These include mottes. castle-ringworks, and presumed Welsh earthworks, all without masonry, as well as sixteen masonry castles ranging from well known sites at Cardiff, Coity, and Ogmore, to the Welsh stone castle now identified at Plas Baglan. Later defensive monuments will be described in part lb.
Published 1991.

Map of sites treated in this Part (la) of Volume IIII
Chairman's Preface
Report, with a List of Monuments selected by the Commissioners
as most worthy of preservation
List of Commissioners and Staff
Authorship and Compilation
Presentation of Material

Introductory Survey
I The Division of the material; Parts la and lb Explained
II The Geographical Background
III The Historical Background (1072-1217)
IV The Early Castles Discussed

Inventory of the Early Castles
Section MO: Mottes without Masonry
Section CR: Castle-Ringworks without Masonry
Section UW: Unclassified, probably Welsh Castles
Section VE: Vanished Early Castles
Section MM: Masonry Castles Built Over Mottes
Section MR: Masonry Castles built over Castle-ringworks
Section EM: Early Masonry Castles

Abbreviated Titles of References
Map and List of Ecclesiastical Parishes, with incidence of Monuments
Map and List of Civil Parishes, with incidence of Monuments
Index of National Grid References for sites treated in Part la
Glossary: General
Glossary: Welsh Terms and Place-name Elements
List of Figures, including maps and photographs
General Index
Alphabetical List of sites treated in Part 1 b of Volume III
Map of sites treated in Part lb of Volume III

Related Publication Links:
Gwerthu Llyfrau
Book Sales

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Arddangosfa Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru yn Amgueddfa ac Oriel Gwynedd, Bangor

Mae ein harddangosfa boblogaidd ‘Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru’ yn symud ymlaen unwaith eto, y tro hwn i Amgueddfa ac Oriel Gwynedd ym Mangor, gogledd Cymru.

Bydd yr arddangosfa’n agor ar Ddydd Sadwrn, 19 Ionawr 2013, ac yn cau ar Ddydd Sadwrn, 2 Mawrth 2013. Bydd mwy na deg ar hugain o ddelweddau o gartrefi Cymru o archif helaeth y Comisiwn yn cael eu dangos, ynghyd â gwrthrychau domestig o gasgliadau’r amgueddfa ei hun. Defnyddir llyfr y Comisiwn, Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru, i ategu’r arddangosfa.

Bydd Rachael Barnwell, curadur y Comisiwn Brenhinol sy’n gyfrifol am yr arddangosfa hon, yn rhoi sgwrs fer yn ystod yr agoriad ar 19 Ionawr.
I gael manylion amserau agor a mynediad, ewch i wefan Amgueddfa ac Oriel Gwynedd, neu ffoniwch 01248 353 368.
Er i rewgelloedd modern ddechrau cael eu gwerthu ar ôl yr Ail Ryfel Byd, ni welwyd mohonynt mewn amryw o gartrefi Cymru tan yn ddiweddarach. Tynnwyd y llun hwn o Henryd yn Sir Gaernarfon ym 1950 ac mae cig yn dal i gael ei gyffeithio a’i gadw yn y ffordd draddodiadol.
DI2012_0138   NPRN 26615

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Monday, 7 January 2013

Snowdonia Flights Reveal Winter Treasures

Snowdon/Yr Wyddfa summit with two walkers at the summit

In the recent frosty December weather, Toby Driver from the Royal Commission got airborne over the hills of Snowdonia and Llŷn accompanied by the archaeologist for Snowdonia National Park Authority, John Roberts. The low December sunlight, combined with the effects of melting frost, proved ideal for recording slight earthworks and stony banks of Snowdonia’s numerous prehistoric hut groups and hillforts, together with field systems which date from prehistory to medieval and later times. The extremes of winter light are particularly effective at revealing wide-spreading traces of field systems in cultivated land which can be invisible at other times of year. Having John’s regional expertise onboard was invaluable and brought new insight to the view from the aircraft.

Flights made over Llanddeiniolen and around the great Iron Age hillfort of Dinas Dinorwig and eastwards to Llanllechid north of Bethesda to document sites managed by Cadw, revealed extensive traces of forgotten field systems under improved pasture. Similar remains of prehistoric homesteads and terraced fields were seen throughout the parkland at Glynllifon, site of the 2012 Urdd National Eisteddfod, and along the improved coastal plain between Harlech and Barmouth where the Hafotty manganese mines were also documented.

At the same time Toby and John were struck by the extensive survival of ridge and furrow cultivation on many coastal hills and at higher altitudes inland, frequently found in association with prehistoric, medieval or later upland settlements. This fragile evidence of plough cultivation only survives where pasture and open moorland has been spared from modern ploughing and improvement. It is difficult to date. We are content that much of the ridge and furrow cultivation close to long houses and medieval and later farms is contemporary with those settlements. However, more basic cultivation ridges occur close to later prehistoric round houses and ‘concentric’ homesteads suggesting the widespread survival of prehistoric ploughing.

The flights over Snowdonia and northern Llŷn several new sites and many famous ones like Tre’r Ceiri hillfort and the renowned prehistoric landscapes above Egryn near Dyffryn Ardudwy. On the way back to Caernarfon Airport there was also a chance to capture the high peaks around Yr Wyddfa, Snowdon, under freezing conditions and snow with two walkers proudly standing at the summit of Yr Wyddfa itself.

Well-preserved remains of a later prehistoric enclosed hut group and associated fields at Cwm, Clynnog, picked out in low winter light. AP_2012_5522

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Thursday, 3 January 2013

Prosiect digiDo yng nghynhadledd Gorffennol Digidol 2013

Bydd Dr Ted Jones o Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn rhoi cyflwyniad ar y Prosiect digiDo yng nghynhadledd Gorffennol Digidol 2013. Nod y rhaglen Theatr y Cof yw digido cymaint o ddeunydd printiedig yng Nghymru ag y bo modd a’i roi ar y rhyngrwyd fel y gellir ei gyrchu am ddim, a thrwy hynny gryfhau presenoldeb Cymru a’r Cymry ar y llwyfan byd-eang.

Rhai mentrau allweddol hyd yn hyn yw:
  • Y Bywgraffiadur Ar-lein sy’n cynnwys oddeutu 5,000 o fywgraffiadau am Gymry enwog a fu farw cyn 1 Ionawr 1971.
  • Cylchgronau Cymru Ar-lein lle gellir cyrchu detholiad o 50 o gyfnodolion modern a 300 o deitlau hanesyddol yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg.
  • Baladau Cymru Ar-lein sy’n cynnwys tua 4,000 o faladau wedi’u digido, yn dyddio o’r 18fed ganrif a’r 19eg gan mwyaf.
  • Papurau Newydd Cymru Ar-lein, sef casgliad cyfan Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru o bapurau newydd Cymreig cyn 1910: adnodd gwych o wybodaeth bob dydd yr amcangyfrifir ei fod yn cynnwys mwy nag 1 filiwn o dudalennau a 200 o deitlau papur newydd o bob rhan o Gymru.

Mae casgliadau’r Llyfrgell o lawysgrifau, ewyllysiau, archifau, mapiau, paentiadau, ffotograffau a lluniadau wedi cael eu digido hefyd.

Bydd Dr Jones yn siarad am y broses sganio, y system adnabod nodau gweledol (OCR), metadata, rheoli data a lledaenu data. I gael y crynodeb llawn ewch i’n tudalen siaradwyr.

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