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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Addoliad y Doethion

Y ffenestr orllewinol yn Eglwys Sant Deiniol, Penarlâg, Sir y Fflint, yn dangos Addoliad y Doethion.
DI2005_0594, NPRN 310514
Mae’r ffenestr hon yn Eglwys Sant Deiniol, Penarlâg, Sir y Fflint. Mae’n portreadu Addoliad y Doethion a chafodd ei dylunio gan Syr Edward Burne-Jones (1833-98).
Manylyn o’r ffenestr, yn dangos y Forwyn Fair,
y baban Iesu ac angylion.
DI2005_0594, NPRN 310514

Arlunydd a dylunydd Prydeinig oedd Burne-Jones a chwaraeodd ran allweddol yn adfywiad celf gwydr lliw ym Mhrydain yn rhan olaf y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Roedd hefyd yn un o’r partneriaid a sefydlodd y cwmni celfyddydau addurnol hynod o ddylanwadol Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. ym 1861, ochr yn ochr â William Morris, Charles Faulkner, Peter Paul Marshall, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ford Madox Brown a Phillip Webb. Ailffurfiwyd y cwmni o dan yr enw Morris & Co. ym 1875, ac mae llawer o’i ddyluniadau’n parhau i gael eu defnyddio i addurno cartrefi heddiw.

Mae’r ffenestr hon yn nodweddiadol o’r dyluniadau gwydr lliw a gynhyrchwyd gan Burne-Jones: mae ei feistrolaeth ar ddilladaeth, ei dreswaith llyfn a’r llu o angylion sy’n amgylchynu’r Iesu yn nodweddiadol o’i arddull.
Manylyn o’r ffenestr, yn dangos y Doethion yn dod ag anrhegion o aur, thus a myrr.
DI2005_0594, NPRN 310514

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Friday, 14 December 2012

Delweddu Arforol: Prosiect Scapa Flow

Delweddu Arforol: Prosiect Scapa Flow.

Gallwn gadarnhau mai Mike Postons, cyfarwyddwr 3Deep Media, fydd un o’r prif siaradwyr yng nghynhadledd Gorffennol Digidol 2013. Bydd Mike yn siarad am ddatblygiadau ym maes cofnodi a modelu safleoedd treftadaeth tanddwr, a sut y gall y gwaith hwn gael ei ddelweddu ar gyfer y cyhoedd. Un prosiect y rhoddir sylw arbennig iddo yw prosiect Safle Llongddrylliadau Hanesyddol Scapa Flow sy’n dangos sut y gall mapio a modelu llongddrylliadau hanesyddol gael ei ddefnyddio i ysgogi diddordeb y cyhoedd yn ein treftadaeth arforol.

Gorfennol Digidol 2013 - Manylion Cofrestru

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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Piloting the Internet - Penparcau Community Education Centre

Learning about Britain from Above at the Penparcau Community Education Centre.

On Friday 7th December the Britain from Above event; Piloting the Internet came to Penparcau Community Education Centre. There were two sessions showing people how to use the website to interact with the online collection of aerial photographs taken by Aerofilms Ltd between 1919-1953, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We had a small but enthusiastic number who joined in on each session.

The structure of the sessions began with a short introductory talk about the project, the origins of the collection and what we’re hoping to achieve with the website. This was followed by an interactive presentation on how to use all the website’s features, with the attendees following the presentation online, exploring and making the most of the site. Several attendees in the afternoon were initially very hesitant using the computer and trying out the website as they had very limited IT experienced. By the end of the session they were enthusiastically browsing the site and searching for locations they had lived in over the years. They were especially impressed with some of the images of the Edgbaston campus in Birmingham as it had looked in the 1920s, long before land was developed around it.

Picture of Edgbaston campus, Brimingham,
from the Aerofilms Collection.
There were also selections of prints from the website alongside more modern images taken of the same places. Everyone enjoyed discussing the changes over time, while enjoying tea, biscuits and mince pies!

We had a few technical difficulties along the way with the PowerPoint presentation freezing for a while but this allowed me to discuss in more detail the vast opportunities of the project. All in all, though a quiet day in terms of numbers, the people who came were very interested and came from a range of backgrounds such as the U3A and the mayor’s office and were keen to take back what they had learnt and pass it on to their friends, families and colleagues. The help packs produced to hand out proved very popular, with people keen to show off the website, and use it as their own reference guide, when they are at home and while helping as a virtual volunteer for us!

Get involved with the Britain from Above project here: www.britainfromabove.org.uk
Find forgotten landscapes and share your stories with us!

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Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Ffonau Clyfar – Ai Dyma Ddyfodol Dehongli Treftadaeth?

Bydd Andrew Kerry-Bedell o KB consultants ac IT's in Conservation yn dod i gynhadledd Gorffennol Digidol 2013 i siarad am ddefnyddio technoleg y ffôn clyfar i ddarparu dehongli symudol ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd ar safleoedd treftadaeth. Pwyntiau allweddol papur Andrew fydd:
  • Chwyldro’r ffôn clyfar a thueddiadau ymysg defnyddwyr
  • Codau QR, Tagiau NFC, Realiti Estynedig a dehongli symudol arall
  • Ymchwil i ddehongli symudol - profiad Llwybr Cenedlaethol y South Downs
  • Gwneud i ddehongli wedi’i seilio ar y ffôn symudol weithio i bawb - canllawiau ymarferol
  • Trafodaeth - gwersi a ddysgwyd o brosiectau diweddar a chwestiynau

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Monday, 10 December 2012

Adroddiadau Arolygu Uwchdirol Ar Y We

Corn Du Burial Site and Pen y Fan. A winter landscape looking east.

Gall adroddiadau arolygu sy’n deillio o brosiect archaeoleg yr uwchdiroedd y Comisiwn Brenhinol gael eu gweld ar ein gwefan bellach. Mae adroddiadau deng mlynedd gyntaf y prosiect wedi cael eu dwyn ynghyd mewn un adroddiad, tra bo adroddiadau’r deng mlynedd ddiwethaf wedi’u trefnu yn ôl blwyddyn.

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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Inside Welsh Homes Book Launch Success

Visitors to the Royal Commission enjoying talks by authors Richard Suggett and Rachael Barnwell.

Last night, 5th December, despite the cold, many people turned out for the launch of the Royal Commission’s latest book, Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru / Inside Welsh Homes. Visitors enjoyed two lively talks by the authors, Richard Suggett and Rachael Barnwell on the history of the home in Wales. After book signings and refreshed by festive mince-pies and mulled fruit juice they were able to view in our library and search room, displays of original archive material from our extensive collections held by the National Monuments Record of Wales. A slideshow of images from the book are currently available on the BBC Wales website: Capturing life inside Welsh homes.

Original documents and photographs on display,
held by the Royal Commission's archive the National Monuments Record of Wales.

View extra images of the event on the Royal Commission's Facebook page.

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Friday, 30 November 2012

Piloting the Internet - Britain from Above

Enthusiasts viewing photograph albums from the Aerofilms Collection.
The first session of ‘Piloting the Internet-Getting the best form Britain from Above’ ran on Tuesday 20th November at the Royal Commission offices. A small but enthusiastic group gathered to hear about the project from its early origins to what it is now and what we’re hoping to achieve. There were two short presentations detailing the history and potential of the website with plenty of enticing pictures to whet their appetites!

Once the presentations concluded the group was eager to make use of the technology on offer, have a go on the website and conduct their own investigations. One attendee said that he had viewed the Britain from Above site when first launched back in June, he had been impressed with the content but the slowness we had in the first few days had put him off taking a closer look, however, now the website has settled down he says there’s no stopping him, especially since we’ve added more content!  The group were particularly impressed at the number of users and images we had already, but were incredibly excited at the thought of 95,000 images eventually being available online.

Britain from Above on your iPad.
The iPad proved especially popular with it’s easy to use browsing format and large clear images, two of the group using it were rather reluctant to hand it back! Everyone found something of interest, images of Aberaeron and its coastline proved very popular as some of the party have an on-going interest in coastal erosion in that part of the world.

Visitors also made use of the Royal Commission’s archive viewing some of the prints, photograph albums and images of Wales from the Aerofilms Collection, most of which were from outside of the Projects timeline, making a nice addition to the session. Enthusiasts had a keen rifle through pictures from the 1960s and 1970s and enjoyed comparing the online images to the later photograph albums.

All in all it was a compact, successful session that’s left me looking forward to the Penparcau day on the 7th December!

Gan Natasha Scullion

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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Cael y Gorau o Brydain oddi Fry

Peilota’r Rhyngrwyd

‘Cael y gorau o Brydain oddi Fry

Dydd Gwener 7, Rhagfyr, 2012
Canolfan Addysg Gymunedol Penparcau,
Aberystwyth, SY23 1SH

Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn awyrluniau? Hoffech chi ddysgu mwy am hanes? Eisiau arweiniad ar ddefnyddio’r rhyngrwyd?

Mae Canolfan Addysg Gymunedol Penparcau yn cynnal dwy sesiwn DDI-DÂL i ddangos i bobl sut i fanteisio’n llawn ar gasgliad ar-lein gwych o awyrluniau o Gymru, yr Alban a Lloegr a dynnwyd rhwng 1919 a 1953.

Bydd y sesiynau’n cynnwys:
• Cyflwyniad byr am y prosiect a’r gweithgareddau y gallwch chi gymryd rhan ynddynt;
• Cyfle i archwilio’r casgliad ac ychwanegu eich atgofion a’ch sylwadau eich hun;
• Te a bisgedi am ddim ar ôl y sesiwn i bawb sy’n cymryd rhan.

Cewch ddigon o gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau, dysgu sgiliau newydd, a darganfod sut mae Prydain wedi newid yn ystod yr ugeinfed ganrif. Bydd dwy sesiwn: Bore 10-12:30pm / Prynhawn 2-4:30pm

Mae nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd; i drefnu’ch lle cysylltwch â: Swyddog Gweithgareddau Prydain Oddi Fry
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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru: Inside Welsh Homes

Clawr llyfr: Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru: Inside Welsh Homes.

Ar Ddydd Mercher y 5ed o Ragfyr bydd y Comisiwn Brenhinol yn lansio ei gyhoeddiad diweddaraf, Y Tu Mewn i Gartrefi Cymru: Inside Welsh Homes, am 6pm yn adeilad y Comisiwn yn Aberystwyth. Ar y noson fe fydd yr awduron – Richard Suggett a Rachael Barnwell – yn rhoi sgyrsiau ac yn llofnodi copïau o’u llyfr, a byddwch chi’n gallu gweld deunydd archifol yn y llyfrgell a mwynhau lluniaeth tymhorol – mins-peis a diod dwym ddi-alcohol.

Mae’r noson yn argoeli bod yn ddechreuad addas iawn i dymor yr Ŵyl a bydd yn gyfle da i brynu llyfrau llawn lluniau wedi’u hysgrifennu gan arbenigwyr yn anrhegion Nadolig. Bydd gostyngiad o 10% ar bob cyhoeddiad i Gyfeillion. I gael gwybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â nicola.roberts@cbhc.gov.uk, ffôn: 01970 621248.

Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru,
Plas Crug,
SY23 1NJ 

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